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Oil Change & Complete Vehicle Inspection

Is your car feeling slow and sluggish? Time for an oil change, it's a must-ish!

40 min
Starting at $54.95
Ramsey Auto Center

Service Description

Tired of car troubles sneaking up on you Like a creepy clown at a children's zoo? Well, fear not my friend, Ramsey Auto Center is here To save the day, don't you shed a tear! We offer oil changes, that's a fact But we don't stop there, we do more than that. We'll give your car an oil change to get it feeling brand new And with our complete vehicle inspection, we'll catch any issue before it comes due You can drive with glee Thanks to Ramsey Auto Center and our inspection spree! So don't wait, don't be late Come see us, before it's too late We'll give your car an oil change and inspection And send you on your way, with total satisfaction!"

Cancellation Policy

Please call or email us if you are going to miss your appointment or need to reschedule. Thank you!

Contact Details

  • 5130 West Camelback Road, Glendale, AZ, USA

ramsey auto center logo  5130 W. Camelback Road Glendale, AZ 85301
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